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Good Morning Tea To Try

Good Morning Tea To Try

A steaming cup of tea is one of the best parts of many people's morning routine. It's a time-honoured tradition and a ritualistic way to stay the day. Everyone has their favourite morning tea, from robust black teas to delicate white teas, herbal teas and green teas. Tea comes in all sorts and flavours and there are several types that make excellent good morning teas.

Good Morning Tea To Try

Kick your coffee habit and set the tone for your day with one of these tasty good morning teas.

English Breakfast

English Breakfast tea is a staple choice for many morning tea enthusiasts due to its robust and invigorating characteristics. This blend typically comprises Assam, Ceylon, or Kenyan black teas, resulting in a full-bodied infusion with a deep amber hue. The flavour profile of English Breakfast is marked by its malty richness, often accompanied by subtle hints of honey and a slight astringency that adds to its character.

With a higher caffeine content than some other morning teas, it offers a reliable wake-up call. Enjoyed with or without milk, English Breakfast tea has become an integral part of British tea traditions, delivering a bold and satisfying start to your day.

Earl Grey

Earl Grey, a beloved classic in the world of tea, is renowned for its distinctively fragrant and citrusy aroma. This black tea variety owes its unique flavour to the infusion of bergamot oil, which imparts delightful floral and zesty notes. The taste of Earl Grey tea is a harmonious blend of brisk black tea with the invigorating and soothing qualities of citrus.

It has enough caffeine to kickstart your day without the crash, making it a popular choice for those who seek a moderate morning energy boost. Whether you prefer it plain, with a slice of lemon, or a drizzle of honey, Earl Grey elevates your morning ritual with its timeless charm.

Pure Black Tea

Pure black teas, such as Assam or Darjeeling, offer a diverse range of flavour profiles, making them a versatile choice for morning tea. Assam black tea, known for its robustness and malty undertones, provides a hearty and energizing start to the day.

On the other hand, Darjeeling black tea offers a more delicate and fruity character, often described as the "champagne of teas." Both varieties contain a substantial amount of caffeine, delivering a strong and invigorating morning kick. Exploring the nuances of different black tea varieties can be a delightful journey for those who appreciate a bold yet nuanced cup of tea.

Pure Green Tea

Green tea, celebrated for its simplicity and natural freshness, offers a gentle and refreshing way to begin your day. Varieties like Sencha or Dragonwell are known for their unique flavour profiles. Sencha has a vibrant, grassy taste with a hint of umami, while Dragonwell offers a nuttier, chestnut-like character.

Green tea contains caffeine, though generally in lower quantities than black tea, providing a mild morning awakening. Beyond the pleasant flavour, green tea is prized for its abundance of antioxidants and potential health benefits, making it an excellent choice for those looking to boost their alertness and well-being in the morning.

Genmaicha Tea

Genmaicha, also known as "popcorn tea" or "brown rice tea," has its origins in Japan and can be traced back to the 15th century. It is a delightful Japanese tea that blends green tea leaves with roasted brown rice, resulting in a one-of-a-kind flavour experience. The toasty, nutty notes of the rice beautifully complement the grassy undertones of green tea, creating a well-balanced and comforting cup.

It offers a moderate caffeine content, making it a suitable choice for those who desire a balanced morning pick-me-up. Genmaicha tea holds a special place in Japanese tea culture and pairs exceptionally well with breakfast foods.

Jasmine Green Tea

Jasmine green tea is a great choice for your morning tea ritual. Originating during the Song Dynasty, this tea combines jasmine blossoms with green tea leaves, resulting in a fusion of floral and slightly sweet notes. It’s known for its aromatic qualities, subtle sweetness, and a mild astringency.

Initially a luxury reserved for royalty, the popularity of jasmine tea spread, and it eventually became a symbol of elegance and grace, appreciated worldwide for its unique floral infusion. Jasmine green tea has a moderate caffeine level. It's an excellent option for those who appreciate a calming start to the day and wish to embrace the elegance that this tea represents.

Chai Tea

Chai tea is an aromatic blend that brings a burst of flavour to your morning. Chai tea has roots in India, where it originated thousands of years ago as a spiced beverage with Ayurvedic properties. Initially consumed for its warming and healing qualities, Chai evolved over time, and its popularity expanded globally, with various interpretations blending black tea with spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.

The result is a warm and invigorating brew with a hint of sweetness and a satisfying spicy kick. Chai's black tea base adds caffeine to the tea, making it an excellent choice for those who need an energizing start. It is traditionally prepared with milk and sweeteners, creating a comforting and rich cup of tea that can be tailored to your taste preferences.

Peppermint Tea

For those who prefer a caffeine-free option in the morning, peppermint tea is a naturally invigorating choice. Known for its vibrant minty flavour and soothing qualities, this herbal tea provides a delightful morning pick-me-up.

Its natural menthol notes invigorate the senses and soothe the stomach without the potential jitteriness and energy crashes associated with coffee or traditional tea. Sip on a cup of peppermint tea to start your day with a burst of crisp and cool flavours.

Pai Mu Tan White Tea

Pai Mu Tan, also known as White Peony tea, originates from the Fujian province in China and has a history dating back to the Song Dynasty. This premium white tea is crafted from the young leaves and unopened buds of the tea plant, traditionally handpicked and minimally processed, resulting in a delicate flavour profile.

Pai Mu Tan has the lowest level of caffeine of any pure tea. It’s a great non-traditional morning tea to try, to signal to your body it’s time to wake up and start the day!

Oolong Tea

Can’t decide whether to sip on green or black tea? Oolong tea is a great tea that lies somewhere between green tea and black tea. This tea is celebrated for its complexity, boasting a wide spectrum of flavours and aromas.

Interestingly, the name “oolong” translates to "Black Dragon'' in Chinese. It has a unique processing method, involving partial oxidation, resulting in a diverse range of flavours. From floral and fruity notes to subtle hints of nuttiness or woodiness, oolong tea is a treat in the morning.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a spicy way to start the day. Known for its invigorating and warming properties, ginger tea is more than just a remedy for an upset stomach. With its zesty qualities, ginger tea can awaken the senses like few other herbal teas can.

It also pairs well with lemon for a citrus kick, honey for sweetness, or mint for a refreshing twist. This versatility allows for a wide range of ginger tea variations to suit different tastes and preferences.

Drinking Coffee vs. Tea in the Morning

The choice between drinking tea and coffee in the morning often boils down to personal preference. Coffee is well-known for its high caffeine content. It can jolt you awake but can sometimes lead to jitters or crashes later in the day, and its bold flavour may not suit everyone's taste.

Many teas are caffeine-free. However, those that do have caffeine may offer a more balanced and sustained release of caffeine. Some studies suggest that compounds in tea, such as L-theanine, can modulate the effects of caffeine and attenuate the jitteriness and crash often associated with a rapid caffeine decline.

What Cultures Are Known for Drinking Morning Tea?

People have been drinking tea for centuries and morning tea has become part of the daily ritual of many cultures around the world.

British Morning Tea

In the United Kingdom, drinking black tea in the morning is a cherished tradition, often commencing with a classic cup of English Breakfast tea. This blend typically includes Assam, Ceylon, and Kenyan teas, creating a robust and malty brew. It is often enjoyed with a splash of milk and occasionally a touch of sugar, depending on personal preference.

The addition of milk cools the hot tea and softens the tea's bitterness, making it a comforting and well-rounded start to the day. Many Britons also pair their morning tea with biscuits (cookies) or a slice of toast with butter and jam.

Turkish Tea

It might come as a surprise, but more people in Turkey drink tea than anywhere else in the world. In Turkey, the morning begins with strong and invigorating Turkish tea, known as "çay." This black tea is traditionally prepared using a special double-teapot set and served in tulip-shaped glasses. It is typically enjoyed without milk or sugar. Turkish tea represents more than just a beverage; it symbolizes hospitality and social connection.

It is common for friends and family to gather over a tray of tea, engaging in lively conversations. In the afternoon, tea is usually served alongside small, flavourful snacks like Turkish delight or pastries, enhancing the overall tea-drinking experience.

Indian Chai

India's morning tea ritual centres around the beloved chai, a spiced black tea infused with aromatic spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and black pepper. Chai is brewed with milk and sweeteners, such as sugar or jaggery, resulting in a creamy, flavourful beverage.

The preparation of chai is an art form, with regional variations and family recipes that add a unique twist to the blend of spices. Chai is often enjoyed with a light breakfast or snacks, such as samosas or pakoras, making it a quintessential part of Indian mornings. It not only awakens the senses but also fosters a sense of togetherness.

African Sunrise

Many South Africans wake up to a soothing cup of Rooibos tea. This caffeine-free herbal tea is celebrated for its natural sweetness and earthy warmth. It is traditionally served plain or with a touch of honey to enhance its gentle flavours. Rooibos tea embodies tranquillity and a deep connection with nature. South Africans often pair a cup of Rooibos with simple breakfast fare like rusks (dried biscuits) or toast.

Chinese Green Tea

In China, the morning tea of choice is typically plain green tea. Chinese green teas, like Longjing (Dragon Well) or Bi Luo Chun, are renowned for their fresh, vegetal flavours and delicate aromas. Morning tea in China is a serene and meditative affair. The tea is brewed without milk or sugar, allowing its natural flavours to shine. While green tea is the most popular morning tea in China, many enjoy a type of fermented tea called pu-erh tea, known for its deep, punchy flavour.

The preparation process is meticulous, involving precise water temperatures and short steeping times. It's common to enjoy the tea in quiet contemplation, often paired with a light breakfast or enjoyed alone.

Waking up with a cup of tea is the highlight of many people's day and a time-honour ritual enjoyed by many cultures around the world. Whether you prefer the boldness of black tea, the freshness of green tea, the comfort of herbal infusions, or the uniqueness of Rooibos, choose a good morning loose-leaf tea to start a great day!

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